To Do:
--fix issues with default directories
- -PREFIX directory not existing?
- -opendir/readdir not working as expected
- -tests
+-setup qbittorrent integration testing
+ -just get working
+ -comment out feeds/etc?
+ -just start networking?
+ -need information about peer protocol
+ -best way to connect?
+ -add host to magnet url?
+ -add logging
+ -debug peer protocol/piece ambiguity
+-fix unit tests
-graceful shutdown
- -logging hanging
+ *logging hanging
-consider using pthread_pop_shutdown instead in places
-remove logging/make more robust
-defaults, no custom directories (no files, no torrents)
-add all files to torrent
-graceful shutdown test
--setup qbittorrent integration testing
- -best way to connect?
- -add host to magnet url?
- -add logging
- -debug peer protocol/piece ambiguity
-design flow for grabbing pieces from cache/files
-where to store hashes (currently generated in torrent_file_piece_layers; not stored)
-IDEA: abstract out and store in struct torrent