Project Summary:
-This project is meant to replace and provide additional tooling for a cold storage setup created in an ad-hoc manner using a few small utilities and Bitcoin Core.
+Quick cold storage setup and tooling.
I. Summary of Manual Setup
II. Project Rationale
-Setup is difficult even for experienced technical users, mistakes can be made and since process is manual and contains a lot of manual checking, unknown failure modes certainly exist. Automated tooling to aid creating and verifying setup URGENTLY needed. GUI creation would allow for non-technical (or minimally technical users) to create robust custody solutions.
+Setup is difficult even for experienced technical users. Mistakes can be made and manual setup can lead to unknown failure modes. Automated tooling to aid creating and verifying setup URGENTLY needed. GUI creation would allow for non-technical (or minimally technical users) to create robust custody solutions.
Build project and compile to a single binary which can be downloaded, verified, and run without installing any other packages on a clean installation of Debian/Ubuntu.