--daemonize, -d (default)
--foregroud, -F
- -transfer feed/torrent code from torrents-create to seederd
- -would require updating feed/torrent classes to return bool when save successful
- -global session? -- HERE
- -session handle reach into session class?
- -options:
+ *transfer feed/torrent code from torrents-create to seederd
+ -reorganize init code
+ -starting monitoring torrent directory
+ -detects changes in torrents directory, reload
+ -inotify
+ -remove all torrents from session, not deleting files
+ -re-init
+ -add alerting system
+ -options for forcing reload:
-used named pipes
-have to denote a file to use as pipe
-send signal back?
-might not need
-fix autoconf to check for libtorrent/libboost dependencies
- -init:
- -check for torrent files, creating seed for each
- -starting monitoring torrent directory
- -detects changes in torrents directory, reload
- -remove all torrents, not deleting files
- -start all torrents
- -inotify
-should be able to detect changes to files/whether upload has finished
-decide how to handle logging