Idea: use torrent protocol for p2p cdn
+1. git annex export public
+2. automatic creation of torrents/updating of rss feeds
To Do:
--systemd init file/timers
- -regenerating feeds/managing torrents
- -automatically restarting on failure
--c program to create/update feed + start torrents
+-setup automake
+ -c++ program to create torrents
+ -
+ -libtorrent-rasterbar
+ -
+ -c(++?) program to create feed
-files from stdin -> e.g. pipe from find
-2021-03-31.mkv & 2021-03-31.mkv.meta?
-need hostname where feed is hosted
- -
- -libtorrent-rasterbar
- -
-variety of feeds generated
-full feed torrents
-individual torrents
+-systemd init file/timers
+ -regenerating feeds/managing torrents
+ -automatically restarting on failure
-docker image with everything needed
- -seeder c program
+ -seeder-create-feed
+ -seeder-create-torrent
+ -seeder-start-torrents
+ -systemd init scripts
-update infrastructure
-create content