-integrate properly
-feed names/links
- -guid/link (magnet links?)
+ *guid/link (magnet links?)
+ -escape characters
+ -https://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml/#dt-chardata
+ -re-add line breaks from "\n"
*transfer feed/torrent code from torrents-create to seederd
*links to feeds
*figure out localhost:8080 -> https issue
-create index.html with explanation of why this project
+ -full feeds torrent link
-systemd init file/timers
-timer for regenerating feeds/managing torrents
- -consider creating thread which calls update-feeds.sh?
+ -consider creating thread which calls update-feeds.sh every few minutes?
-automatically restarting seederd on failure
-test works
-docker image with everything needed
- -entrypoint?
- -update-feeds
+ *entrypoint
+ -update-feeds
-systemd init scripts