Stage 0:
*rework hashing/piece layers data organization
*verify correctness of file_hash w/ script
--watch -- SKIP
+-tests - HERE
+ -tree creation tests
+ -with torrent root directory
+ -how this interacts with watching of directories
+-refactor add.c
+ -clean up, simplify, abstract, rename, etc. to make more clear
+ -create feeds
+ -parsing of meta files
*start watching thread
*figure out flags
-blocking vs. non-blocking
-on modification
-rebuild torrents+feeds
--refactor add.c
- -clean up, simplify, abstract, rename, etc. to make more clear
- -prerequistes
- *bencode/decoding
- *build merkle tree
- -create .torrent files
- -magnet links
-port option
- -consider removing block->data
- -how to send data efficiently
-signal handler
-graceful shutdown
-watch threads
-during adding
-mid-request in server
--tests - HERE
- *file_hash
- -fs
- -concat tests
- -tree creation tests
- -with torrent root directory
- -how this interacts with watching of directories
Stage 1:
-basic bittorrent functionality
+ -
-tcp+udp functionality
-create/add torrents
-create feeds
-meta files, torrent names
-bring in feeds from old project
Stage 2:
+Stage 3: